As your dog grows older, their bones and joints get tired, and they need an extra push to keep active. It can be scary to see your furry best friend deteriorate and slowly lose their spark. However, you do not have to stand back and watch this happen!
There are many ways you can make your furry friend’s older years just as fun and active as their younger ones. It is important to mention that an aging dog is completely normal. You may notice them taking more naps, choosing to sit somewhere cool, and stopping a playing session a little early. It is completely normal for your furry friend to change and adapt to their aging bodies.
Age like fine wine
From day 1 of owning your dog, start introducing them to healthy patterns. From walks to sleeping schedules.
Trick or treat… or both?
We all know that training your dog is very important. As soon as you get your brand new furry friend, start training the basics. Your doggos brain needs to be worked on often, and training them will do the trick.
From day one, start with basic commands such as ‘sit’ and reward your dog with natural dog treats.
When your dog starts to get a little older, say past the age of 7, their system will naturally start to slow. This is when you want to go back and teach them some brand new tricks. It might take longer than when they were a puppy, but stick to it!
Walkies, and more walkies
As your doggo grows older, a longer walk might not be exactly what they need. If you can, consider breaking up your doggo’s exercise into chunks. Try two shorter walks and add some playtime at home. If you can, walk your dog early in the morning and later at night. This will break up your doggo’s rest time and allow them to stretch their legs throughout the day. If you have the time at lunch or after work play with your dog at home or in the backyard with toys or sticks you have around.
A box full of toys
Make sure to have plenty of fun and variable toys around your house. There are so many toys out there to enhance your dog’s brain. Try buying a toy with a secret compartment, fill it with some treats and watch your dog go crazy trying to get them out. These toys will have your furry friend trying to figure out these puzzles all day long.
Explore new worlds
Do you have a favourite walk spot? A corner you always turn, an older couple’s house you always go past? Try switching it up! It has been proven that introducing your dog to brand new places around your neighbourhood and town can be great for their brain.
Make these outings extra special by taking your dog to a beach or lake and letting them explore as much as their heart desires. Find spots that have a flat walking field so your dog doesn’t get too tired, and remember to give them plenty of time to rest.
Doga, aka doggo yoga, is an excellent way to help your dog stretch their joints and muscles. During the pandemic, you might have picked up yoga yourself, and if you have, you might have noticed that your doggo loves to join in. Try getting them involved and helping them stretch their legs and backs in the “downward dog”.
Lets doggolise
Socialising is super important to your doggo. If you find that your dog prefers to be around you 24/7, consider doing some playdates, for you and your doggo. If you know of someone who also has a dog, why not get together every now and then and socialise together. You will find that your doggos mental and physical health will improve hugely!
Big doggo brains
There are so many things that as humans we can do to keep our minds sharp, but what about our furry companions? Surely there are things we can do to help them too?
There sure is! There are games such as the ‘go get it’ game you can incorporate into your dog’s routine. Try hiding treats around your house and backyard and let your doggo find them. The more you play the game the harder you can make the hiding spots.
Eat like a healthy royal
It is worth investing in some natural dog treats and dog treats for joint health which will provide a good source of nutrients to keep your dog healthy. Another type of dog treat you should consider purchasing for your older doggos is anti-inflammatory dog treats, especially if your dog suffers from joint issues such as arthritis. Make sure your dog’s diet is informed by your vet’s advice.
Vet visits
When thinking about your aging dog, make sure you are doing everything you can to make the process easier for your furry friend. Take your dog to the vet at least twice a year, and discuss ways to make their transition into senior-life easier. Keep in mind that your vets are your best friends. They are here to help you work through anything.